- Opening of Service
- Lord’s Day
- Worship and Praise
- TLH 13 : Before Jehovah’s Aweful Throne
- TLH 14 : All People that on Earth Do Dwell
- TLH 15 : From All That Dwell Below the Skies
- TLH 16 : Blessed Jesus, at Thy Word
- TLH 17 : Oh Worship the King
- TLH 18 : Lord, We Come Before Thee Now
- TLH 19 : All Praise to God Who Reigns Above
- TLH 20 : God of Mercy, God of Grace
- TLH 21 : Jehovah, let me Now Adore Thee
- TLH 22 : Lord, When we Bend Before Thy Throne
- TLH 23 : Hallelujah! Let Praises Ring
- TLH 24 : Lord of my Life, Whose Tender Care
- TLH 25 : I Will Sing my Maker’s Praises
- TLH 26 : Praise the Almighty, my Soul
- TLH 27 : Oh Bless The Lord, My Soul
- TLH 28 : Now Let All Loudly Sing Praise
- TLH 29 : Through all the Changing Scenes
- TLH 30 : Oh, That I Had a Thousand Voices
- TLH 31 : When All Thy Mercies, O My God
- TLH 32 : Redeemed, Restored, Forgiven
- TLH 33 : The Lord Hath Helped me Hitherto
- TLH 34 : My Soul, now Bless thy Maker
- TLH 35 : Songs of Praise the Angels Sang
- TLH 36 : Now Thank We all Our God
- TLH 37 : Lord, ’tis not that I did Choose Thee
- TLH 38 : The Lord, my God, Be Praised
- TLH 39 : Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
- TLH 40 : The God of Abraham Praise
- TLH 41 : Wondrous King, All Glorious
- TLH 42 : O Thou Love Unbounded
- TLH 43 : We Sing the Almighty Power of God
- TLH 44 : Ye Lands, to the Lord Make a Jubilant Noise
- Close of Service
- TLH 45 : Now, the Hour of Worship O’er
- TLH 46 : On What Has Now Been Sown
- TLH 47 : Savior Again to Thy Dear Name
- TLH 48 : How Blest are they who Hear God’s Word
- TLH 49 : Almighty God, Thy Word Is Cast
- TLH 50 : Lord, Dismiss Us with Thy Blessing
- TLH 51 : Now May He Who from the Dead
- TLH 52 : Almighty Father, Bless the Word
- TLH 53 : Abide, O Dearest Jesus
- TLH 54 : Guide me, O Thou Great Jehovah
- Advent
- TLH 55 : Come, Thou Precious Ransom, Come
- TLH 56 : Jesus Came, the Heavens Adoring
- TLH 57 : O Bride of Christ, Rejoice
- TLH 58 : O Lord, How Shall I Meet Thee
- TLH 59 : Hail to the Lord’s Annointed
- TLH 60 : Hark, a Thrilling Voice is Sounding
- TLH 61 : Comfort, Comfort, Ye My People
- TLH 62 : Oh Come, Oh Come, Emmanuel
- TLH 63 : On Jordan’s Bank the Baptist’s Cry
- TLH 64 : Jesus, Thy Church with Longing Eyes
- TLH 65 : When Sinners See Their Lost Condition
- TLH 66 : Hark the Glad Sound!
- TLH 67 : The Bridegroom Soon Will Call Us
- TLH 68 : The Advent of Our King
- TLH 69 : Arise, Sons of the Kingdom
- TLH 70 : Hosanna to the Living Lord
- TLH 71 : Watchman, Tell Us of the Night
- TLH 72 : Rejoice, Rejoice, Believers
- TLH 73 : Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates
- TLH 74 : Once He Came in Blessing
- TLH 75 : Ye Sons of Men, Oh, Hearken
- Christmas
- TLH 76 : A Great and Mighty Wonder
- TLH 77 : All my Heart this Night Rejoices
- TLH 78 : Hail the Day so Rich in Cheer
- TLH 79 : Rejoice, Rejoice, this Happy Mourn
- TLH 80 : All Praise to Thee, Eternal God
- TLH 81 : O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is
- TLH 82 : Come Rejoicing, Praises Voicing
- TLH 83 : Hark! What Mean those Holy Voices
- TLH 84 : Christians, Awake
- TLH 85 : From Heaven Above to Earth I Come
- TLH 86 : Christ the Lord to Us is Born
- TLH 87 : Joy to the World
- TLH 88 : This Night a Wondrous Revelation
- TLH 89 : To Thee my Heart I Offer
- TLH 90 : Come, Your Hearts and Voices Raising
- TLH 91 : Let the Earth Now Praise the Lord
- TLH 92 : Now Sing We, Now Rejoice
- TLH 93 : O Lord, We Welcome Thee
- TLH 94 : Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
- TLH 95 : Savior of the Nations Come
- TLH 96 : Oh, Rejoice, Ye Christians Loudly
- TLH 97 : Let us all with Gladsome Voice
- TLH 98 : Of the Father’s Love Begotten
- TLH 99 : Now are the Days Fulfilled
- TLH 100 : Christians, Sing out with Exultation
- TLH 101 : O Gladsome Light, O Grace
- TLH 102 : Oh, Come, All Ye Faithful
- TLH 103 : To Shepherds as they Watched
- TLH 104 : Now Praise we Christ, the Holy One
- TLH 105 : Praise God the Lord, Ye Sons of Men
- TLH 106 : The People That in Darkness Sat
- TLH 107 : We Christians May Rejoice Today
- TLH 108 : We Sing, Immanuel, Thy Praise
- TLH 109 : While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks by Night
- New Year’s Eve
- New Year
- TLH 114 : Jesus! Name of Wondrous Love
- TLH 115 : O Blessed Day When First Was Poured
- TLH 116 : To the Name of our Salvation
- TLH 117 : The Ancient Law Departs
- TLH 118 : Father, Let Me Dedicate
- TLH 119 : Great God, We Sing that Mighty Hand
- TLH 120 : Help us, O Lord! Behold We Enter
- TLH 121 : For Thy Mercy and Thy Grace
- TLH 122 : Now Let Us Come before Him
- TLH 123 : Our God, Our Help in Ages Past
- TLH 124 : O Lord, our Father, Thanks to Thee
- TLH 125 : The Old Year Now Hath Passed Away
- Epiphany
- TLH 126 : Arise and Shine in Splendor
- TLH 127 : As with Gladness Men of Old
- TLH 128 : Brightest and Best of the Sons of the Morning
- TLH 129 : Hail, Thou Source of Every Blessing
- TLH 130 : O Jesus, King of Glory
- TLH 131 : The Star Proclaims the King is Here
- TLH 132 : O God of God, O Light of Light
- TLH 133 : Within the Father’s House
- TLH 134 : Songs of Thankfulness and Praise
- Transfiguration
- Presentation
- Lent
- TLH 140 : Jesus, I Will Ponder Now
- TLH 141 : Enslaved by Sin and Bound in Chains
- TLH 142 : A Lamb Goes Uncomplaining Forth
- TLH 143 : O Dearest Jesus, What Law Hast Thou Broken
- TLH 144 : Jesus, Grant that Balm and Hearing
- TLH 145 : Jesus, Refuge of the Weary
- TLH 146 : Lamb of God, Pure and Holy
- TLH 147 : O Christ, Thou Lamb of God
- TLH 148 : Lord Jesus Christ, My Life, My Light
- TLH 149 : Come to Calvary’s Holy Mountain
- TLH 150 : Lord Jesus, Thou Art Going Forth
- TLH 151 : Christ, the Life of All the Living
- TLH 152 : When O’er my Sins I Sorrow
- TLH 153 : Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted
- TLH 154 : Alas! and Did My Savior Bleed
- TLH 155 : Sweet the Moments Rich in Blessing
- TLH 156 : Not all the Blood of Beasts
- TLH 157 : There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood
- TLH 158 : Glory be to Jesus
- TLH 159 : Go to Dark Gethsemane
- Palm Sunday
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- TLH 165 : Behold the Lamb of God
- TLH 166 : Savior, When in Dust to Thee
- TLH 167 : O Darkest Woe
- TLH 168 : The Royal Banners Forward Go
- TLH 169 : Jesus Christ, our Lord Most Holy
- TLH 170 : O Perfect Life of Love
- TLH 171 : Upon the Cross Extended
- TLH 172 : O Sacred Head Now Wounded
- TLH 173 : Lord Jesus, We Give Thanks to Thee
- TLH 174 : Throned upon the Awe-ful Tree
- TLH 175 : When I Survey the Wondrous Cross
- TLH 176 : Behold, the Savior of Mankind
- TLH 177 : Our Blessed Savior Seven Times Spoke
- TLH 178 : We Sing the Praise of Him Who Died
- TLH 179 : On My Heart Imprint Thy Image
- TLH 180 : Jesus, in Thy Dying Woes
- TLH 181 : Jesus, Pitying the Sighs
- TLH 182 : Jesus, Loving to the End
- TLH 183 : Jesus, Whelmed in Fears Unknown
- TLH 184 : Jesus, in Thy Thirst and Pain
- TLH 185 : Jesus, All Our Ransom Paid
- TLH 186 : Jesus, All Thy Labor Vast
- Easter
- TLH 187 : Christ Is Arisen
- TLH 188 : Hallelujah! Jesus Lives
- TLH 189 : He is Arisen! Glorious Word!
- TLH 190 : Christ the Lord is Risen Again
- TLH 191 : Christ the Lord Is Risen Today! Alleluia
- TLH 192 : Awake, my Heart, with Gladness
- TLH 193 : Christ the Lord Is Risen Today!!
- TLH 194 : Abide with us, the Day is Waning
- TLH 195 : Christ Jesus Lay in Death’s Strong Bands
- TLH 196 : I Am Content! My Jesus Liveth Still
- TLH 197 : Where Wilt Thou Go since Night Draws Near
- TLH 198 : He’s Risen, He’s Risen, Christ Jesus
- TLH 199 : Jesus Christ Is Risen Today
- TLH 200 : I Know that my Redeemer Lives
- TLH 201 : Jesus Lives! The Victory’s Won
- TLH 202 : Welcome Happy Morning!
- TLH 203 : Morning Breaks upon the Tomb
- TLH 204 : Come Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain
- TLH 205 : The Day of Resurrection
- TLH 206 : Jesus Christ My Sure Defense
- TLH 207 : Like the Golden Sun Ascending
- TLH 208 : Ye Sons and Daughters of the King
- TLH 209 : Who is this that Comes from Edom
- TLH 210 : The Strife Is O’er, the Battle Done
- TLH 211 : Lo, Judah’s Lion Wins the Strife
- Ascension
- TLH 212 : A Hymn Of Glory Let Us Sing
- TLH 213 : Hail the Day that Sees Him Rise
- TLH 214 : Lo, God to Heaven Ascendeth
- TLH 215 : Draw Us to Thee
- TLH 216 : On Christ’s Ascension I Now Build
- TLH 217 : Oh, Sing with Exultation
- TLH 218 : See, the Conqueror Mounts
- TLH 219 : The Head that Once was Crowned with Thorns
- TLH 220 : Jesus, my Great High Priest
- TLH 221 : Hark! Ten Thousand Harps and Voices
- TLH 222 : Look, ye Saints, the Sight is Glorious
- TLH 223 : We Thank Thee, Jesus, Dearest Friend
- Pentecost
- TLH 224 : Come Holy Ghost, God and Lord
- TLH 225 : Come, Holy Spirit, Come
- TLH 226 : Come, Oh Come, Thou Quickening Spirit
- TLH 227 : Come, Holy Ghost, in Love
- TLH 228 : Oh, Enter, Lord, Thy Temple
- TLH 229 : Holy Spirit, Hear Us
- TLH 230 : Holy Spirit, God of Love
- TLH 231 : We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost
- TLH 232 : Let Songs of Praises Fill the Sky
- TLH 233 : Come Holy Ghost, Creator Blest
- TLH 234 : Holy Ghost with Light Divine
- TLH 235 : O Holy Spirit, Enter In
- TLH 236 : Creator Spirit, By Whose Aid
- Trinity
- TLH 237 : All Glory Be to God on High
- TLH 238 : All Glory be to God Alone
- TLH 239 : Come, Thou Almighty King
- TLH 240 : Father, Most Holy, Merciful, and Tender
- TLH 241 : Father, in Whom We Live
- TLH 242 : Father of Heaven, Whose Love
- TLH 243 : Oh, that I Had a Thousand Voices
- TLH 244 : Glory be to God the Father
- TLH 245 : God Loved the World so that He Gave
- TLH 246 : Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty
- TLH 247 : God the Father, Be our Stay
- TLH 248 : Father of Glory, to Thy Name
- TLH 249 : Isaiah, Mighty Seer, in Days of Old
- TLH 250 : Holy God, We Praise Thy Name
- TLH 251 : We All Believe in One True God
- TLH 252 : We All Believe in One True God
- TLH 253 : In One True God we all Believe
- St. Michael’s and all Angels
- Reformation
- TLH 258 : Lord of our Life and God of our Salvation
- TLH 259 : Flung to the Heedless Winds
- TLH 260 : O Lord, Look Down from Heaven
- TLH 261 : Lord, Keep us Steadfast in Thy Word
- TLH 262 : A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
- TLH 263 : O Little Flock, Fear not the Foe
- TLH 264 : Preserve Thy Word, O Savior
- TLH 265 : Thine Honor Save, O Christ our Lord
- TLH 266 : O God, our Lord, Thy Holy Word
- TLH 267 : If God had not been on our Side
- TLH 268 : Zion Mourns in Fear and Anguish
- TLH 269 : O Lord, our Father, Shall We Be Confounded
- St. Andrew
- St. John the Apostle
- TLH 271 : Word Supreme, Before Creation
- TLH 272 : When All the World Was Cursed
- Holy Innocents
- Annunciation
- Visitation
- TLH 275 : My Soul doth Magnify the Lord
- Invitation
- Law and Gospel
- TLH 282 : Christians, Come in Sweetest Measures
- TLH 283 : God’s Word is our Great Heritage
- TLH 284 : Father of Mercies, in Thy Word
- TLH 285 : How Precious Is the Book Divine
- TLH 286 : How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts
- TLH 287 : That Man a Godly Life Might Live
- TLH 288 : Lord, Help us Ever to Retain
- TLH 289 : The Law Commands and Makes Us Know
- TLH 290 : We Have a Sure Prophetic Word
- TLH 291 : Lamp of our Feet Whereby We Trace
- TLH 292 : Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide
- TLH 293 : O Holy Spirit, Grant us Grace
- TLH 294 : O Word of God Incarnate
- TLH 295 : The Law of God is Good and Wise
- TLH 296 : Speak, O Lord, Thy Servant Heareth
- TLH 297 : The Gospel Shows the Father’s Grace
- Baptism
- The Lord’s Supper
- TLH 304 : An Awe-ful Mystery Is Here
- TLH 305 : Soul, Adorn Thyself with Gladness
- TLH 306 : Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Hast Prepared
- TLH 307 : Draw Nigh and Take the Body of the Lord
- TLH 308 : Invited, Lord, by Boundless Grace
- TLH 309 : O Jesus, Blessed Lord, to Thee
- TLH 310 : Thy Table I Approach
- TLH 311 : Jesus Christ, our Blessed Savior
- TLH 312 : Lord Jesus Christ, Thou Living Bread
- TLH 313 : O Lord, We Praise Thee
- TLH 314 : Lord Jesus Christ, We Humbly Pray
- TLH 315 : I Come, O Savior, to Thy Table
- TLH 316 : O Living Bread from Heaven
- Confession and Absolution
- TLH 317 : Alas, My God, My Sins Are Great
- TLH 318 : Before Thee, God, Who Knowest All
- TLH 319 : In Thee Alone, O Christ, my Lord
- TLH 320 : Lord Jesus, Think on Me
- TLH 321 : O Faithful God, Thanks Be to Thee
- TLH 322 : And Wilt Thou Pardon, Lord
- TLH 323 : With Broken Heart and Contrite Sigh
- TLH 324 : Jesus Sinners Doth Receive
- TLH 325 : O Thou That Hear’st When Sinners Cry
- TLH 326 : Lord, to Thee I Make Confession
- TLH 327 : Out of the Deep I Call
- TLH 328 : O Jesus, Lamb of God Thou Art
- TLH 329 : From Depths of Woe I Cry to Thee
- TLH 330 : I Come to Thee, O Blessed Lord
- TLH 331 : Yea, as I Live, Jehovah Saith
- Confirmation
- The Redeemer
- TLH 339 : All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name
- TLH 340 : Awake, my Soul, to Joyful Lays
- TLH 341 : Crown Him with Many Crowns
- TLH 342 : Chief of Sinners, Though I Be
- TLH 343 : How Lovely Shines the Morning Star
- TLH 344 : Come, Let us Join our Cheerful Songs
- TLH 345 : Jesus, Lover of My Soul
- TLH 346 : Jesus! and Shall it ever Be
- TLH 347 : Jesus, Priceless Treasure
- TLH 348 : Jesus, Jesus, only Jesus
- TLH 349 : Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me
- TLH 350 : Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
- TLH 351 : Love Divine, all Love Excelling
- TLH 352 : O Savior, Precious Savior
- TLH 353 : Lord Jesus Christ, My Savior Blest
- TLH 354 : In the Cross of Christ I Glory
- TLH 355 : Thou Art the Way; To Thee Alone
- TLH 356 : Jesus, Savior, Come to Me
- TLH 357 : Jesus, Thou Art Mine Forever
- TLH 358 : Lamb of God, We Fall Before Thee
- TLH 359 : Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Sky
- TLH 360 : Oh, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing
- TLH 361 : O Jesus, King Most Wonderful
- TLH 362 : My Soul’s Best Friend, What Joy and Blessing
- TLH 363 : To our Redeemer’s Glorious Name
- TLH 364 : How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds
- TLH 365 : Jesus I Will Never Leave
- TLH 366 : One Thing’s Needful
- TLH 367 : Hail, Thou once Despised Jesus
- TLH 368 : The Lord my Pasture Shall Prepare
- Faith and Justification
- TLH 369 : All Mankind Fell in Adam’s Fall
- TLH 370 : My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less
- TLH 371 : Jesus, Thy Blood and Righteousness
- TLH 372 : Through Jesus’ Blood and Merit
- TLH 373 : By Grace I’m Saved, Grace Free and Boundless
- TLH 374 : Grace! ‘Tis a Charming Sound
- TLH 375 : If Thy Beloved Son, O God
- TLH 376 : Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me
- TLH 377 : Salvation unto us has Come
- TLH 378 : All that I Was, my Sin, my Guilt
- TLH 379 : I Do Not Come Because my Soul
- TLH 380 : Thy Works, not Mine, O Christ
- TLH 381 : I Know my Faith is Founded
- TLH 382 : Lord, We Confess our Numerous Faults
- TLH 383 : Seek Where Ye may to Find a Way
- TLH 384 : Oh, How Great is Thy Compassion
- TLH 385 : Now I Have the Firm Foundation
- TLH 386 : My Savior Sinners doth Receive
- TLH 387 : Dear Christians, One and All, Rejoice
- TLH 388 : Just As I Am, Without one Plea
- TLH 389 : Not What these Hands have Done
- TLH 390 : Drawn to the Cross
- TLH 391 : Blessed Are the Sons of God
- TLH 392 : Blest Is the Man Forever Blest
- Consecration
- TLH 393 : From God Shall Naught Divide Me
- TLH 394 : My Faith Looks Up to Thee
- TLH 395 : O God, Thou Faithful God
- TLH 396 : Oh, For a Faith That Will Not Shrink
- TLH 397 : O Love, Who Madest Me to Wear
- TLH 398 : Renew me, O Eternal Light
- TLH 399 : Thee Will I Love, my Strength
- TLH 400 : Take My Life and Let It Be
- TLH 401 : Praise to Thee and Adoration
- TLH 402 : O God, Forsake me Not
- TLH 403 : Savior, Thy Dying Love
- TLH 404 : Soul, What Return Has God, Thy Savior
- TLH 405 : I Gave my Life for Thee
- New Obedience
- TLH 406 : Lord, as Thou Wilt
- TLH 407 : Farewell I Gladly Bid Thee
- TLH 408 : Jesus Christ, my Pride and Glory
- TLH 409 : Let us Ever Walk with Jesus
- TLH 410 : Jesus, Lead Thou On
- TLH 411 : From Eternity, O God
- TLH 412 : May We Thy Precepts, Lord, Fulfill
- TLH 413 : I Walk in Danger all the Way
- TLH 414 : The Man is Ever Blest
- TLH 415 : Lo, Many Shall Come
- TLH 416 : Oh, That the Lord Would Guide My Ways
- TLH 417 : How Can I Thank Thee, Lord
- TLH 418 : My God, My Father, while I Stray
- TLH 419 : O’er Jerusalem Thou Weepest
- TLH 420 : My Jesus, as Thou Wilt
- TLH 421 : Come Follow me, the Savior Spake
- TLH 422 : Savior, I Follow On
- TLH 423 : Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
- TLH 424 : My God, My Father, Make me Strong
- Trust
- TLH 425 : All Depends on our Possessing
- TLH 426 : The Lord my Shepherd Is
- TLH 427 : How Firm a Foundation
- TLH 428 : I Am Trusting Thee, Lord Jesus
- TLH 429 : Lord, Thee I Love with all my Heart
- TLH 430 : What Is the World to Me
- TLH 431 : The King of Love My Shepherd Is
- TLH 432 : In Hope my Soul, Redeemed to Bliss Unending
- TLH 433 : Jesus, my Truth, my Way
- TLH 434 : O God of Jacob, by Whose Hand
- TLH 435 : My Spirit on Thy Care
- TLH 436 : The Lord’s My Shepherd
- TLH 437 : Who Trusts in God, a Strong Abode
- Stewardship
- Christian Warfare
- TLH 444 : Rise! To Arms! With Prayer Employ You
- TLH 445 : Am I a Soldier of the Cross
- TLH 446 : Rise, my Soul, to Watch and Pray
- TLH 447 : Fight the Good Fight
- TLH 448 : Brief Life Is here our Portion
- TLH 449 : My Soul, be on thy Guard
- TLH 450 : Soldiers of Christ, Arise
- TLH 451 : Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus
- TLH 452 : The Son of God Goes Forth to War
- TLH 453 : We Are the Lord’s; His all-Sufficient Merit
- Prayer
- Communion of Saints
- TLH 460 : Behold the Sure Foundation Stone
- TLH 461 : Hark! the Church Proclaims her Honor
- TLH 462 : I Love Your Kingdom, Lord
- TLH 463 : For All the Saints
- TLH 464 : Blest Be the Tie That Binds
- TLH 465 : Christ Is Our Corner-Stone
- TLH 466 : Christ, Thou Art the Sure Foundation
- TLH 467 : Built on the Rock the Church doth Stand
- TLH 468 : For All Thy Saints, O Lord
- TLH 469 : Glorious Things of Thee Are Spoken
- TLH 470 : Rise Again, Ye Lion-hearted
- TLH 471 : Hark! the Sound of Holy Voices
- TLH 472 : Rise Ye Children of Salvation
- TLH 473 : The Church’s One Foundation
- TLH 474 : Zion Stands by Hills Surrounded
- TLH 475 : Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones
- TLH 476 : Ten Thousand Times Ten Thousand
- TLH 477 : Lord Jesus, Thou the Church’s Head
- TLH 478 : The Saints on Earth and Those Above
- TLH 479 : Zion, Rise, Zion, Rise
- TLH 480 : Lord of the Worlds Above
- TLH 481 : Through the Night of Doubt and Sorrow
- Ministry
- TLH 482 : Dear Lord, to Thy True Servants Give
- TLH 483 : God of the Prophets
- TLH 484 : We Bid Thee Welcome in the Name
- TLH 485 : Lord Jesus, Who Art Come
- TLH 486 : O Thou Whose Feet Have Climbed Life’s Hill
- TLH 487 : How Beauteous Are their Feet
- TLH 488 : Lord of the Harvest, Hear
- TLH 489 : Lord of the Church, We Humbly Pray
- TLH 490 : Pour out Thy Spirit from on High
- TLH 491 : Send, O Lord, Thy Holy Spirit
- TLH 492 : Lord of the Living Harvest
- TLH 493 : Thou Who the Night in Prayer Didst Spend
- Missions
- TLH 494 : Awake, Thou Spirit, Who Didst Fire
- TLH 495 : From Greenland’s Icy Mountains
- TLH 496 : Hark! the Voice of Jesus Crying
- TLH 497 : The Morning Light Is Breaking
- TLH 498 : Rise, Thou Light of Gentile Nations
- TLH 499 : Look from Thy Sphere of Endless Day
- TLH 500 : May God Bestow on us His Grace
- TLH 501 : Soldiers of the Cross, Arise
- TLH 502 : Saints of God, the Dawn Is Brightening
- TLH 503 : Rise, Crowned with Light
- TLH 504 : O Spirit of the Living God
- TLH 505 : O’er the Gloomy Hills of Darkness
- TLH 506 : Send, Thou, O Lord, to Every Place
- TLH 507 : Spread, Oh, Spread, Thou Mighty Word
- TLH 508 : Thou Whose Almighty Word
- TLH 509 : There Still is Room
- TLH 510 : Savior, Sprinkle Many Nations
- TLH 511 : Jesus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun
- TLH 512 : O Christ, our True and only Light
- Cross and Comfort
- TLH 513 : Art Thou Weary, Art Thou Troubled
- TLH 514 : God Moves in a Mysterious Way
- TLH 515 : O Thou from Whom all Goodness Flows
- TLH 516 : In the Hour of Trial
- TLH 517 : The Will of God is Always Best
- TLH 518 : If Thou but Suffer God to Guide Thee
- TLH 519 : Beloved It Is Well
- TLH 520 : Commit Whatever Grieves Thee
- TLH 521 : What God Ordains Is Always Good
- TLH 522 : When in the Hour of Utmost Need
- TLH 523 : Why Should Cross and Trial Grieve me
- TLH 524 : In Thee, Lord, Have I Put my Trust
- TLH 525 : As Pants the Hart for Cooling Streams
- TLH 526 : In God, my Faithful God
- TLH 527 : Lord, it Belongs not to my Care
- TLH 528 : If God Himself be for Me
- TLH 529 : I Leave all Things to God’s Direction
- TLH 530 : Thy Ways, O Lord, with Wise Design
- TLH 531 : Come, ye Disconsolate
- TLH 532 : Thy Way, Not Mine, O Lord
- TLH 533 : Nearer, My God, to Thee
- TLH 534 : God of My Life, to Thee I Call
- TLH 535 : Rejoice, my Heart, be Glad and Sing
- Morning
- TLH 536 : Awake, my Soul, and with the Sun
- TLH 537 : Every Morning Mercies New
- TLH 538 : Now the Shades of Night are Gone
- TLH 539 : Come, Thou Bright and Morning Star
- TLH 540 : With the Lord Begin Thy Task
- TLH 541 : O Blessed Holy Trinity
- TLH 542 : The Sun Arises Now
- TLH 543 : When Streaming from the Eastern Skies
- TLH 544 : While Yet the Morn is Breaking
- TLH 545 : The Morning Sun is Brightly Beaming
- TLH 546 : How Lovely Shines the Morning Star
- TLH 547 : The Radiant Sun Shines in the Skies
- TLH 548 : My Inmost Heart Now Raises
- TLH 549 : God, Who Madest Earth and Heaven
- TLH 550 : O Splendor of God’s Glory Bright
- Evening
- TLH 551 : Sun of My Soul, Thou Savior Dear
- TLH 552 : Abide With Me
- TLH 553 : Through the Day Thy Love Hath Spared Us
- TLH 554 : Now Rest Beneath Night’s Shadows
- TLH 555 : The Day Is Past and Over
- TLH 556 : O God, Be with Us
- TLH 557 : At Even When the Sun Did Set
- TLH 558 : All Praise to Thee, My God, This Night
- TLH 559 : O Christ, Who Art the Light and Day
- TLH 560 : Gracious God, Again is Ended
- TLH 561 : Now that the Day Hath Reached its Close
- TLH 562 : Round me Falls the Night
- TLH 563 : The Sun’s Last Beam of Light is Gone
- TLH 564 : O Trinity, Most Blessed Light
- TLH 565 : Savior, Breathe an Evening Blessing
- Harvest and Thanksgiving
- TLH 566 : Christ by Heavenly Hosts Adored
- TLH 567 : O Lord, Whose Bounteous Hand Again
- TLH 568 : We Praise Thee, O God, Our Redeemer, Creator
- TLH 569 : O Lord, I Sing with Lips and Heart
- TLH 570 : Praise, oh Praise, Our God and King
- TLH 571 : What our Father Does Is Well
- TLH 572 : Praise to God, Immortal Praise
- TLH 573 : To Thee, O Lord, our Hearts we Raise
- TLH 574 : Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
- The Nation
- TLH 575 : Before the Lord We Bow
- TLH 576 : Judge Eternal, Throned in Splendor
- TLH 577 : God Bless Our Native Land
- TLH 578 : Lord, While for All Mankind We Pray
- TLH 579 : Almighty Lord, before Thy Throne
- TLH 580 : To Thee, our God we Fly
- TLH 581 : All Ye Who on this Earth do Dwell
- TLH 582 : God, Lord of Sabaoth
- TLH 583 : Great King of Nations, Hear our Prayer
- TLH 584 : Swell the Anthem, Raise the Song
- Death and Burial
- TLH 585 : I Fall Asleep in Jesus’ Wounds
- TLH 586 : A Pilgrim and a Stranger
- TLH 587 : Asleep in Jesus! Blessed Sleep
- TLH 588 : I Would not Live Alway
- TLH 589 : Oh, How Blest are Ye
- TLH 590 : In the Midst of Earthly Life
- TLH 591 : Jesus, I Live to Thee
- TLH 592 : I Know of a Sleep in Jesus’ Name
- TLH 593 : Why do we Mourn Departing Friends
- TLH 594 : When My Last Hour Is Close at Hand
- TLH 595 : Tender Shepherd, Thou Hast Stilled
- TLH 596 : This Body in the Grave we Lay
- TLH 597 : For me to Live is Jesus
- TLH 598 : Who Knows When Death May Overtake me
- TLH 599 : My Course Is Run
- TLH 600 : O Lord, My God, I Cry to Thee
- TLH 601 : All Men Living Are but Mortal
- TLH 602 : It is not Death to Die
- Resurrection
- TLH 603 : In the Resurrection
- Judgment
- TLH 604 : Great God, What Do I See and Hear?
- TLH 605 : The World is Very Evil
- TLH 606 : O’er the Distant Mountains Breaking
- TLH 607 : Day of Wrath, O Day of Mourning
- TLH 608 : Let Thoughtless Thousands Choose
- TLH 609 : Wake, Awake, For Night is Flying
- TLH 610 : And Will the Judge Descend
- TLH 611 : The Day Is Surely Drawing Near
- TLH 612 : That Day of Wrath, That Dreadful Day
- Life Everlasting
- Marriage
- The Family
- Christian Education
- Corner-Stone Laying
- Dedication
- Church Anniversary
- Theological Institutions
- Foreign Missionaries
- Absent Ones
- Carols and Songs
- TLH 645 : Behold, a Branch Is Growing
- TLH 646 : Silent Night
- TLH 647 : O Little Town of Bethlehem
- TLH 648 : I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb
- TLH 649 : Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
- TLH 650 : Behold a Stranger at the Door
- TLH 651 : Be Still, My Soul
- TLH 652 : I Lay My Sins on Jesus
- TLH 653 : Now the Light Has Gone Away
- TLH 654 : Now the Day is Over
- TLH 655 : I Pray Thee, Dear Lord Jesus
- TLH 656 : Behold a Host, Arrayed in White
- TLH 657 : Beautiful Savior
- TLH 658 : Onward Christian Soldiers
- TLH 659 : Feed Thy Children, God Most Holy
- TLH 660 : I’m But a Stranger Here