Consider the blessing of our Christian Day School
Grades K-8 for 2024-25 Enrollment / Registration / Tuition – Information :
Please Call 763-784-6340 Mrs. Janelle Hein, Co-Principal or Email –

Grace Lutheran Church and School are dedicated to the proclamation of the Good News of Christ crucified for sinners, with God’s inerrant Word as its only authority. Please come and let us share this precious message with you!
Our chief aim is to teach the Gospel, the Good News that Jesus Christ, God’s Son, is the only Savior. We cannot save ourselves by anything we do or say. As the Bible teaches, Jesus saved sinners by His life, His death, and His resurrection. God brings people to faith in Jesus Christ through the preaching of the gospel and the use of Baptism. Therefore as a Christian congregation we are to be faithful in our teaching, preaching and the use of the sacraments. God’s Word abides forever. His Gospel remains the same. Therefore all teachings presented in the church are to remain the same from one generation to another. May the Lord keep us faithful in teaching His Word!