VBS Review:
Date: August 5, 2007
Theme:Power In Heaven And Earth
-Matthew 28:18
– Pastor: John P.
The Order of Worship: Bulletin
TLH 239 : Come, Thou Almighty King
TLH 339 st. 5-7: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
TLH 339 st. 1-4: All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name
TLH 649 : Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me
TLH 36 : Now Thank We all Our God
TLH 427 st. 2-4: How Firm a Foundation
TLH 200 st. 1-3: I Know that my Redeemer Lives
TLH 198 st. 1-3: He's Risen, He's Risen, Christ Jesus
TLH 652 st. 12: I Lay My Sins on Jesus