2020-05-31 — I Will Pour Out My Spirit

Church Year: Pentecost:
Date: May 31, 2020

Theme: I Will Pour Out My Spirit

– Joel 2:12-18, 26-29

– Pastor: John Hein

The Order of Worship: Bulletin

Liturgy: Liturgy: WS, p. 1


TLH 2 : To Thy Temple I Repair Hymnary.org link
TLH 230 : Holy Spirit, God of Love Hymnary.org link
TLH 224 : Come Holy Ghost, God and Lord Hymnary.org link
TLH 644 : Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Hymnary.org link

Scripture Readings:

Acts 2:1-21 John 16:5-11

Theme: I Will Pour Out My Spirit

Joel 2:12–18 (Listen)

Return to the Lord

12   “Yet even now,” declares the LORD,
    “return to me with all your heart,
  with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning;
13     and rend your hearts and not your garments.”
  Return to the LORD your God,
    for he is gracious and merciful,
  slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love;
    and he relents over disaster.
14   Who knows whether he will not turn and relent,
    and leave a blessing behind him,
  a grain offering and a drink offering
    for the LORD your God?
15   Blow the trumpet in Zion;
    consecrate a fast;
  call a solemn assembly;
16     gather the people.
  Consecrate the congregation;
    assemble the elders;
  gather the children,
    even nursing infants.
  Let the bridegroom leave his room,
    and the bride her chamber.
17   Between the vestibule and the altar
    let the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep
  and say, “Spare your people, O LORD,
    and make not your heritage a reproach,
    a byword among the nations.1
  Why should they say among the peoples,
    ‘Where is their God?’”

The Lord Had Pity

18   Then the LORD became jealous for his land
    and had pity on his people.


[1] 2:17 Or reproach, that the nations should rule over them


Joel 2:26–29 (Listen)

26   “You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied,
    and praise the name of the LORD your God,
    who has dealt wondrously with you.
  And my people shall never again be put to shame.
27   You shall know that I am in the midst of Israel,
    and that I am the LORD your God and there is none else.
  And my people shall never again be put to shame.

The Lord Will Pour Out His Spirit

28   1 “And it shall come to pass afterward,
    that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
  your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
    your old men shall dream dreams,
    and your young men shall see visions.
29   Even on the male and female servants
    in those days I will pour out my Spirit.


[1] 2:28 Ch 3:1 in Hebrew