2014 School Report

At the beginning of January 2014, Grace Lutheran School was in the middle of its school year. Our enrollment at that time was 16 students in grades 1 – 7. Our staff included Janelle Hein, full-time teacher, Ellen Bergstrom, part-time teacher. We had no kindergartners, but teacher Ann Radichel volunteered one day a week. She did music class as well as music theory, book units with different grades, and whatever else the teachers needed. In April we had our annual student fair with the year’s topic being a book fair. We also took a field trip to the Stages Theater Company in Hopkins to see the production of The True Story of the Three Little Pigs. April was also busy with Iowa Basics Achievement Tests as well as preparing for our school play, The Fastest Thimble in the West. We had no 8th graders so at the end of the year, we did not lose any students to graduation.
Grace Lutheran School began its 2014-2015 school year on August 25 with 15 students in grades K-8. A week into the year we had another kindergartner join our school. In the late fall we added yet another kindergartner which took our enrollment up to 17. We currently have four kindergartners, four 2nd graders, one 3rdgrader, one 4th grader, two 5th graders, two 6th graders, one 7th grader, and two 8th graders.
Our staff remains as a year ago: Janelle Hein teaches grades 1-8 and is co-principal, Ellen Bergstrom teaches part-time and is co-principal, Ann Radichel, teaches kindergarten and music, and Pastor Hein offers morning devotions and teaches grades 6-8 in Catechism instruction. Our volunteers include Connie Ahrens, Brian Bergstrom, Sue Anne Kirkham, Rick and Heidi Nelson, Sue Nelson, and Norma Rust. We are indeed thankful to the Lord for the blessings he showers upon us through the Christian education offered through our school.