1. Tender Shepherd, Thou hast stilled
Now Thy little lamb's brief weeping.
Ah, how peaceful and how mild
In its narrow bed 'tis sleeping!
And no sigh of anguish sore
Heaves that little bosom more.
2. In this world of pain and care,
Lord, Thou wouldst no longer leave it;
To Thy heavenly meadows fair
Lovingly Thou dost receive it.
Clothed in robes of spotless white,
Now it dwells with Thee in light.
3. O Lord Jesus, grant that we
There may live where it is living,
There the blissful pastures see
That it heavenly food are giving.
Lost a while our treasured love,
Gained forever, safe above.
Hymn #595 from _The Lutheran Hymnal_
Text: Matt. 18:2
Author: Johann W. Meinhold, 1833
Translated by: Catherine Winkworth, 1858, alt.
Titled: "Guter Hirt, du hast gestillt"
Tune: "Meinen Jesum lass' ich nicht"
1st Published in: _Neuverfertigtes Gesangbuch_
Town: Darmstadt, 1699