1. O God, our Lord, Your holy Word
Was long a hidden treasure
Till to its place It is by grace
Restored n fullest measure.
For this today Our thanks we say
And gladly glorify you.
Your mercy show And grace bestow
On all who still deny you.
2. Salvation true By faith in you,
That is your Gospel's preaching,
The heart and core Of Bible lore
In all its sacred teaching.
In Christ we must Put all our trust,
Not in our deeds or labor;
With conscience pure And heart secure
Love you, Lord, and our neighbor.
3. Lord, you alone This work have done
By your free grace and favor.
All who believe Will grace receive
Through Jesus Christ, our Savior.
And though the foe Would over throw
Your Word with grim endeavor,
What plan he tries, It always dies;
Your Word will stand forever.
4. You are my Lord, And by your Word
Death holds no dreadful terrors;
Your precious blood, My highest good,
Has blotted out my errors.
My thanks to you! Your Word is true,
You keep your promise ever.
While here I live, Your grace you give
And heaven's bliss forever.
Hymn # 341 from Lutheran Worship
Author: Enchiridion
Tune: O Herre Gott
1st Published in: 1527